Wednesday, September 1, 2010

a update. It's been a while.

These pictures are to show the difference in Weston since he has been born. The one on the bottom was the day after birth and the one on the top is about 6 months.
My little boy will be 7 months old already! So hard to believe how fast the time goes. Before I had a child of my own I would always hear people say they grow up so fast and never really new what they meant by it. Until now. I cant believe how much he has changed since birth. Every little move this little man makes, makes me smile. I love to see him learn and play with things. Knowing that at every little moment he is learning something new is so awesome. To get to experience every little and big thing with this child has been such a blessing to me. Being a mother is the best blessing I could have ever asked for.
It has been a little crazy around here lately. We just put our home up for sale about a month ago. We have a house we love, but are trying so hard not to count on it because as everyone knows it can be snatched up quickly by another buyer. I am trying to stay positive but we have not had anyone look at our home yet. Kinda puts a damper on things. Praying it's Gods will for whatever happens. Praying I stay positive throughout this whole process. My older brother is expecting his first baby. Hoping to visit them after the arrivel of there little one. They do not know what they are having. It will be a surprise to everyone!!! My husbands sister is expecting her second baby. She is expecting a little girl. How exciting!!! Baby's all around :) It has been a very exciting year.

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Life as a new Mommy

Well it's been almost 3 weeks since Weston has been born. Hard to believe. I'm loving every moment of it! I cant believe how much he has changed already. His hair is getting lighter, his eyes are getting lighter, and he is starting to look more and more like Daddy every day. I just hope he gets my eye color :) This little man is so hard to resist. I just want to stare at him all day long. I feel so blessed from God to have this child. He is a very good baby. He sleeps all the time but when he is awake play time is a must! Thank you to all for your prayers for a fast and safe delivery It definitely was. I can't wait to have another baby but for now I'm just going to enjoy Weston.

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Baby Kissinger update

I know it's been a while since i have been here. Things have not been crazy but I have been spending time doing other things. I am now 36 weeks pregnant. whew that went by fast! It has been an amazing blessing to our lives. We are having a boy. The name will be given the day of birth :) I couldn't ask God for anything better. God is so good to us! Now the only thing I as for is a healthy baby, and a safe labor. Please pray for me as that time comes. Thank you Blogging friends!